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Vol. 8, Issue 7 (2019)

A comparative study of Palashadi taila yoni pichuand Kapikacchu taila yonipichu in Yonishaithilya

Agrawal Lavi and Suman Sunita
Background: Yoni-Shaithilya is made up of two words Yoni and Shaithilya. The word Yoni in Ayurvedic classics is used to denote genital tract or perineum as a whole, uterus and vaginal canal. These different meanings are to be taken according to different specific reference. The word Shaithilya means looseness or laxity; the quality or state of being lax. Yoni-Shaithilya is described as clinical feature of the disease Yoni-Vyapad which is very well elaborated in the Ayurvedic literatures. In modern view, the clinical features and line of treatment of Yoni-Shaithilya resembles with Perineal Laxity which is caused due to pelvic floor dysfunction especially by hypotonic condition of pelvic muscles like pubococcygeus. It is one of the remarkable problems amongst the parous women of reproductive age group globally. The current treatment modalities include mainly vaginoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation which have their own potential disadvantages like decreased clitoral and genital sensation and complications, such as vaginal infection, tissue adhesions, and scarring. So the biomedical researchers are inclined to other sources of treatment modalities including local application of oils in the form of tampon. Pichu Kalpana is a form of tamponing which is very well versed in Ayurvedic lexicons under the headings of Sthanik-Chikitsa (local applications) of the disease Yoni-Vyapad. The present research work was studied in total 40 patients of different ages who were randomly divided into two groups. The trial drugs were selected Palashaditaila and Kapikachhutaila in the form of Yoni pichu and they have shown significant response on subjective parameter.
Pages: 325-330  |  666 Views  327 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Agrawal Lavi, Suman Sunita. A comparative study of Palashadi taila yoni pichuand Kapikacchu taila yonipichu in Yonishaithilya. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):325-330.

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