Analysis of the hospitalization causes in patients with a permanent form of atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension, stable coronary artery disease and heart failure
MI Yalovenko, OO Khaniukov and YED Yehudina
Aim of the study was to determine the reasons for hospital admission in patients with a permanent form of atrial fibrillation (AF). We have examined 42 patients with permanent form of AF, arterial hypertension (AH), stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) and heart failure (HF). Results: Itwasfoundthat in the presenceof the previous year admissions, the chances of admission frequencies increased in 82.8 times. Provided that the risk of patient’sreadmissionin presenting ofatrial fibrillation-related symptoms (EHRA score) ≥ 1 and New York heart association (NYHA) functional classification of breathlessness(NYHA FC) ≥ 2 increases by 15 times,of unstable angina -by 5,7 times. If the patientshavehigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) more than 4.16 mg/L, the risk of readmissionincreases by 15.0 times. Ifthe patientshave interleukins (IL) IL-6 is more than 8.35 pg / mL risk increases by 7.5 times. If patientshave IL-10 ≥ 35.3 pg / ml, the risk increases by 15.0 times.
How to cite this article:
MI Yalovenko, OO Khaniukov, YED Yehudina. Analysis of the hospitalization causes in patients with a permanent form of atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension, stable coronary artery disease and heart failure. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(7):314-316.