Status of silica in agriculture: A review
Sagar S More, Shivraj E Shinde and Manish C Kasture
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the universe and the second most abundant element on the planet, after oxygen, making about 25 percent of the Earth's crust. Silicon is one of the most useful elements to mankind. Since it exists in the Earth’s crust, many plants can accumulate it in large concentrations, in amounts similar to macronutrients. Despite the abundant benefits in agriculture, Si is generally not considered as an essential plant element. In nature, silicon occurs as the oxide (silica) and as silicates, in which it's used in fertilizers. Plant assimilates silicon through roots as silicic acid. Inside plant, it travels to active growing points, where it complexes with an organic compound in the cell walls and make them stronger. The beneficial effects of Si on plants have been demonstrated by many studies using pots, hydroponic, and field experiments. Silicon enhances growth and yield of all annual and vegetable crops, promotes upright growth (stronger and thicker stems, shorter internodes), prevents lodging, promotes favorable exposure of leaves to light, provides resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases and decrease some abiotic stress as temperatures, salinity, heavy metal and Aluminum toxicity. According to science researches, silicon increase plant’s resistance to many plant diseases such as powdery mildew and also many insect pests. Silicon has positive effect on the biomass yield under deficit irrigation. Plants subjected to draught, treated with silicon, maintained higher stomatal conductivity, relative water content and water potential. It helps leaves become larger and thicker, thus limiting the loss of water through transpiration and reduces water consumption. Silicon shows great influence on the development of plant roots, thus allowing better root resistance in dry soils and its faster growth.
How to cite this article:
Sagar S More, Shivraj E Shinde, Manish C Kasture. Status of silica in agriculture: A review. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(6):211-219.