Comparison of efficacy in different protocols for induction and synchronization of estrous and pregnancy diagnosis methods in black Bengal does
S Dash, DN Mohanty and SK Mohapatra
Efficacy of estrous synchronization, fertility rate were evaluated in three different groups of healthy breedable Black Bengal does. Group I (n=20) does were synchronized for estrous with intravaginal sponges impregnated with natural progesterone (AVIKESIL-S) + Cloprostenol and group II (n=20) animals injected with long acting progesterone (p-depot) + Cloprostenol. In group I, AVIKESIL-S were left insitu for 15 days where as in animals of group II, received P-Depot intramuscular injections @50mg/doe in 3 days interval for a total of 5 occasions. Both group of does received 125 microgram of cloprostenol on last day of treatment. Group III (n=20) animals were maintained under routine management practices receiving no such treatment were served as control. The percentage of estrous and fertility rate were 90/83 in group I, 80/75 in group II and 55/63.6 in group III. The success rate of pregnancy diagnosis in different methods were found to be 81.25% in abdominal palpation, 76.6% in barium chloride test and 89.5% in serum progesterone concentration method. The results indicate that intra vaginal progesterone sponge and serum progesterone concentration estimations may be used as valuable tools in field conditions for better results in synchronisation and pregnancy diagnosis of does.
How to cite this article:
S Dash, DN Mohanty, SK Mohapatra. Comparison of efficacy in different protocols for induction and synchronization of estrous and pregnancy diagnosis methods in black Bengal does. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(6):799-802.