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Vol. 8, Issue 6 (2019)

Pharmacotherapeutics of gomutra (Cow urine)

Satyapal Singh
Cow is recognized as sacred animal and occupies a unique place in the Indian tradition. Cow urine is recognized as water of life or Amrita. Cow urine is being used internally as well as externally since thousands of years for spiritual & ritual purposes and as a medicine to treat various disorders. The present review focus on the importance and therapeutic uses of cow urine as described in the Ayurvedic system of medicine and in the contemporary literature. Various Ayurvedic scriptures described the properties and medicinal uses of cow urine. Sushruta mentioned the cow urine as Medhya i.e. having nootropic or cognitive effect. It is an important ingredient of Panchagavya. Cow urine also used as adjuvant with various drugs to increase their bio-availability. Apart from therapeutic uses, cow urine is being used during many pharmaceutical processing like Shodhan (purification) of many herbal and mineral drugs to make them therapeutic efficient and Bhavana (triturition) of various drugs and formulations. Although, various studies reveals its anti-oxidant, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, bio-enhancing, analgesic effect, but further researches would require to explore its potential in different fields especially cancer.
Pages: 707-712  |  2523 Views  2199 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Satyapal Singh. Pharmacotherapeutics of gomutra (Cow urine). Pharma Innovation 2019;8(6):707-712.

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