Dosage form design for oral quick release formulations: A review
Ritesh Rana, Darsh Gautam and Rakesh Kumar Sharma
Pharmaceutical dosage forms containing drug(s) formulated in a way to dissolve in the oral cavity had gained tremendous popularity owing to their fast dissolution and quick absorption. In the ongoing pattern, the advancement of oral quick released dosage forms popularly known as mouth dissolving tablets acceptance is developing and picking up prevalence since it is easy to administer and prompts better patient convenience and compliance. These dosage forms are set in the mouth, permitted to scatter or break up in the saliva. The medication is discharged when on contact with the saliva, by disintegration followed by dissolution; in this manner minimize the requirement for water for oral administration. The point of this article is to survey the advancement of the developing technologies. In the present review, stress is given on the technologies available as well as design of orally dispersible formulations.
How to cite this article:
Ritesh Rana, Darsh Gautam, Rakesh Kumar Sharma. Dosage form design for oral quick release formulations: A review. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(6):673-680.