Abstract:W.H.O. is involved in development and evaluation of materials to fulfill the needs of psychiatric people in crisis. Materials for evaluation, psychological treatment, infirmary care of people with psychological illness, and psychiatry system recovery are included for assessment. The Objectives of the study was to assess the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding nursing management of psychiatric emergencies before the structured teaching programme, to assess the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding nursing management of psychiatric emergencies after the structured teaching programme, to assess the effectiveness after the structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding nursing management of psychiatric emergencies among staff nurses, to find out association between the knowledge and selected demographic variables.
Materials and Methods: In order to achieve the desired objectives of this study, adopt quantitative research approach. The design adopted for this study is Quasi experimental, non-randomized control group design. The 60 staff nurses are selected for research study by power analysis. Non-probability sampling technique- Purposive sampling method. The structured questionnaire tool was constructed according to the objectives of the study. It consists of two sections. Section 1: Demographic Data (Questionnaire). (Gender, Age, Designation in Hospital, Educational qualification, work experience, Have you work in psychiatry hospital/center/institution as a staff nurse) Section 2: Self-Structured Questionnaire to assess the basic knowledge regarding nursing management of psychiatric emergencies. In which consists of 20 questions in the self-structured questionnaire. The study of structured teaching programme on psychiatry emergency conducted in clinical setting. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by “Karl Pearson. Investigator calculated the “r-value = + 0.88” so the tool is reliable.
Result: Findings Shows the demographic characteristics of staff nurses of both the groups: Control group: Majority (50%) of the staff nurse were from the age group between 20 to 30, and 76.66% were female, 60% of them were senior staff nurse 60% with GNM nursing education qualification& 56.66% having more than 6 year experience 76.66% of them were reported not worked in Psychiatry hospital. Experimental Group-: Majority (50%) of the staff nurse were from the age group between 31 to 40, and 90% were female, 50% of them were senior staff nurse 83.33% with GNM nursing education qualification & 90% having more than 6 year experience 83.33% of them were reported not worked in Psychiatry hospital. Findings Shows the analysis of 04 components on structured questionnaire tool, which reflects that the level of Knowledge (66.66, 63.33) was almost same in both pre-test and post-test. The total mean knowledge score of 11.63 in pre-test with SD 2.41 and 13.6 with SD 2.6 was there in control group. Findings Shows the analysis of 04 components on structured questionnaire tool, which reflects the level of Knowledge Good 56.66% in pretest and Excellent 100% in posttest. The total mean knowledge score of 11.4 in pre-test with SD 2.52 and 17.5 with SD .99 was there in experimental group. Findings shows that the significant change was observed in knowledge level as evident from the calculated’ value 11.4 to 17.5 in experiment group with t value of 5.66 to 14.46 and p value is .00001 that is less than 0.05 therefore structured teaching programme was effective. Hence H0 was rejected. Therefore, the structured teaching programme was effective to increase level of knowledge of staff nurses. Findings depicts that there is no association between demographic variables and the level of knowledge only gender having association with knowledge as 0.03 p value that is less than 0.05. Hence H0 was accepted, except gender with level knowledge.
Conclusion: Study conclude that structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding nursing management of psychiatric emergencies among staff nurses, is effective method for enhancement of knowledge. Although nurses are working in psychiatric setting but continue nursing education by structured teaching programme is used to upgrade the clinical and theoretical base of staff nurses.
Recommendations: It is suggested that the study may be replicated using a larger population of staff nurses for all hospital. A study can be carried out to assess the effects of audio-visual assisted teaching on aggression. A study can be done to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on motivational seminars. Similar study can be done to assess the effects structured teaching programme on Suicide prevention. Study can be done using other alternative method or technique of Psychiatric emergencies.