Estimation of soil moisture from sentinel-1a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu
Selvaprakash Ramalingam, Jagadeeswaran Ramasamy, Pazhanivelan sellaperumal, Kumaraperumal Ramalingam, Sivakumar Karthikeyan and GA Deepagaran
An attempt was made to estimate and map soil moisture in Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu using sentinel – 1A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data. Sentinel -1A C band data with VV and VH polarization were acquired for the study area during September 2018 to January 2019 at monthly interval. Ground truth collections were performed to estimate in-situ soil moisture both by gravimetric method and using TDR probe at the time of satellite pass. Images were processed using SNAP toolbox and backscattering co-efficient (σ0) were generated for each pixel. The backscattering co-efficient value for VV polarization for different dates varied from -14.28 to -2.47 and for VH polarization it was -21.84 to -9.04 since the backscattering co-efficient has a direct relationship with volumetric soil moisture, the same was correlated with in-situ soil moisture. The correlation value is maximum, minimum in the study period dates of (0.62 to -0.49) and (0.69 to -0.72) represented for VH and VV polarization. The negative correlation occurring dates are dense vegetation occurring the field.
How to cite this article:
Selvaprakash Ramalingam, Jagadeeswaran Ramasamy, Pazhanivelan sellaperumal, Kumaraperumal Ramalingam, Sivakumar Karthikeyan, GA Deepagaran. Estimation of soil moisture from sentinel-1a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(6):360-362.