A conceptual study on Stanya: An ayurvedic review
Dr. Ankit Agrawal, Dr. Deepika Mehra, Dr. Sujit Kumar, Dr. Mariya Husain, Dr. Vaidehi V Raole and Dr. Sunil P Nikhate
Breast milk is the nector to the child, which gives many benefits to both mother and child. Ayurveda Classics praised the breast milk very much and proposed the exclusive breast feeding up to 6 months and continuation up to 1yr or more. The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, after which "infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. The AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Furthermore, "breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ankit Agrawal, Dr. Deepika Mehra, Dr. Sujit Kumar, Dr. Mariya Husain, Dr. Vaidehi V Raole, Dr. Sunil P Nikhate. A conceptual study on Stanya: An ayurvedic review. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(5):118-122.