Vamana (Emesis): Scope for its utility in poisoning
VD Samata Tomar, VD Pravin Jawanjal and VD Nishant Barapatre
Ayurvedic principle of treatment named “Vamana Karma” which is very similar to the procedure of “Emesis” has been popular in the Ayurvedic management of various diseases. Vamana (Emesis) has also been mentioned as an important treatment procedure among the 24 modalities of treatment in poisoning as per Acharya Charaka. Therefore, this special contribution of Ayurveda needs to be reviewed in this context.
How to cite this article:
VD Samata Tomar, VD Pravin Jawanjal, VD Nishant Barapatre. Vamana (Emesis): Scope for its utility in poisoning. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(5):141-148.