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Vol. 8, Issue 5 (2019)

Krishna Tila (Sesamum indicum Linn.): A Rasayana Dravya

Kumar Rajesh, Vats Anurag and Pradhan Shailendra
Health and related issues have been given high values with respect to protection of one self from diseases. Health has a vital contribution to economic progress of self as well as nation. Healthy populations live longer and are more productive. One of the important methods of preservation of positive health has been described in Ayurved i.e. Rasayana. Sesame was a major oilseed in the ancient world because of its ease of extraction, its great stability, and its drought resistance. The Bhāvaprakāśa Nighantu describes only three types of Tila seeds, viz., black, white and red. Krishna Tila or Black Sesame seeds are considered to have excellent medicinal properties and are recommended in Ayurved for treatment purpose and as a Rasayana drug according to vagbhata Samhita. Hence to understand the role of Krishna Tila as Rasayana in improving the health status an attempt was made here. Black sesame seeds are rich in calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus.
Pages: 24-28  |  5803 Views  3380 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Kumar Rajesh, Vats Anurag, Pradhan Shailendra. Krishna Tila (<em>Sesamum indicum</em> Linn.): A Rasayana Dravya. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(5):24-28.

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