Evaluation of cow-based organics against groundnut pests
K Sunil Kumar and G Karuna Sagar
A field experiment was conducted to identify the best cow based organic against the pests of groundnut in the research farm of Agricultural Research Station, Utukur, Kadapa during Kharif, 2017. The treatments in the experiment are Neemastra@ 20ml/l, Bramhastra@ 20ml/l, Agniastra@20ml/l, NSKE (organic check), Imidacloprid@ 0.4ml/l and water spray as untreated check. The present investigation revealed that, imidacloprid 0.4 ml/l was found to be effective at seven days after spraying with lowest foliar per cent damage of leaf hopper (6.49%) and thrips (4.39%) followed by neemastra 20 ml/l (14.87% and 10.72%) and NSKE 5% (13.83% and 11.56%) at 7 days after spraying. Agniastra 20 ml/l found to be effective against spodoptera per cent damage (2.70%) followed by bramhastra 20ml/l (4.71%) and neemastra (5.34%) bat 7 DAS. In groundnut sucking pests are effectively controlled by imadacloprid @ 0.4 ml/l than any other cow based organics but, regarding Spodoptera incidence Agniastra@ 20ml/l was found to be superior among the organics evaluated.
How to cite this article:
K Sunil Kumar, G Karuna Sagar. Evaluation of cow-based organics against groundnut pests. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(4):342-345.