Nutritional status and dietary pattern during pregnancy
Priya Srivastava, Anisha Verma and Ranu Prasad
The present study entitled “Nutritional status and dietary pattern during pregnancy” was carried out with the following objective, to assess the nutritional status and dietary pattern of selected pregnant women. Nutritional status of pregnant women was assessed in terms of dietary assessment, anthropometric measurement and clinical assessment of signs and symptoms. The data collected by the pretested survey schedule and 24 hours dietary recall method from hospitals, clinic, nursing homes, and Primary health centres. The results of the study revealed that out of 250 pregnant women 70.8 per cent of respondents had normal BMI before conceiving. Mean weight gain of respondents of second trimester were 4.29 kg and first trimester were 0.93 kg respectively in their present month. Average nutrient intake of the respondents found to be less with regard to protein, iron, calcium and folic acid as compared to RDA. The difference between the intake and RDA was significant for all the nutrients except carbohydrate in moderate women of second trimester. Out of 250 respondents 41.6 per cent of respondents were preferred type C dietary pattern (four meal pattern). 53.6 per cent of respondents were vegetarian. 55.6 per cent of respondents were anaemic and 44.4 per cent of respondents had normal level of haemoglobin.
How to cite this article:
Priya Srivastava, Anisha Verma, Ranu Prasad. Nutritional status and dietary pattern during pregnancy. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(4):1176-1181.