Abstract:Aim: To study the treatment outcomes of Tuberculosis patients in tertiary care hospitals of Salem District, Tamil Nadu.
Design: In the retrospective study conducted on 500 patients in tertiary care hospitals of Salem, district Tamil Nadu. The treatment outcomes and prescription analysis of patients were evaluated.
Results: From the total of 500 TB patients, 468 were PTB and 32 were EPTB cases. A total of 421 patient’s treatment outcomes were cured. A total of 9 patients treatment outcome were died, in. A total of 11 patients treatment outcome were failure. A total of 60 patients treatment outcome were found to be in the defaulted. The percentage of deaths and defaulters were higher in males than in females. Being an older age group (p=0.0101), a rural resident (p=0.0001) and EPTB patients (p=0.001) were associated with a higher treatment success rate which shows improved public health and awareness on TB. On analysis of prescription higher incidence of drug interactions were found with Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide (36%) in which additive hepatotoxicity were observed
Conclusions: This study showed that TB patients’ treatment success rate treated at the hospital DOTS clinic found above the national success rate. As a recommendation farther research should be done to identify causes of a common reason for unsuccessful treatment outcome in TB patients and working on the increasing awareness of the community.