Evaluation of dry matter intake, body weight and body condition score of primiparous and multiparous Gir cattle
Rakesh Vora, Navin Patel, Ghanshyam Sabapara, Mayur Solanki and Brijal Barot
The main objective of this study was to examine effect of parity over Dry matter intake (DMI), Body weight (BW) and Body condition score (BCS) of Gir cattle. Present study was conducted among 12 apparently healthy Gir cows were divided into 6 multiparous and 6 primiparous in the research. Research was conducted on Bhestan Nandini farm (NGO), Surat. DMI was calculated fortnightly by subtracting the DM of offered feed and DM of residue left over within 24 hours during the day of DMI calculation. Multiparous cows (11.88±0.15) have significantly (p<0.05) higher DMI (kg.) than primiparous (10.69±0.20). Perusal of data revealed that the amount of DMI was gradually increases from 1st fortnight to 4th fortnight in both groups of animals. BW of individual Gir cows was recorded starting from the day of parturition and then fortnightly throughout the experiment by using electronic weighing balance. BW (kg.) was significantly (p<0.05) higher in multiparous cows (422.77±14.61) as compared to primiparous (360.77±10.17). This shows that multiparous cows have higher body weight and required higher amount of feed as compared to primiparous. BCS of animals under the study was recorded as per the BCS chart and non-significant between primiparous (2.92±0.06) and multiparous (2.87±0.05). However, BCS of both groups significantly differs within the parity. BCS of both groups gradually decreases from the day of parturition observation to 4th fortnight.
How to cite this article:
Rakesh Vora, Navin Patel, Ghanshyam Sabapara, Mayur Solanki, Brijal Barot. Evaluation of dry matter intake, body weight and body condition score of primiparous and multiparous Gir cattle. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(4):611-614.