Nutritional composition of fresh and dehydrated betel leaves
Akshata A Vernekar and Dr. KG Vijayalaxmi
The objective of the study was to standardise the process of dehydration and analyse the nutritional composition of the fresh and dehydrated betel leaves both Kariyele and Ambadiyele. Different physical and physico- chemical parameters were studied. Both types of betel leaves were dried in hot air oven at 60 °C for 3 h. The fresh and dehydrated samples were analyzed for selected nutritional and antinutritional composition. Kariyele had 83.86% moisture, 3.49g protein, 2.63g total ash,49.85 Kcal energy,20.66mg vitamin C and 78.15mg antioxidant contents whereas Ambadiyele had 0.86g fat, 2.03g crude fiber and 3716µg β – carotene. In case of dehydrated samples Kariyele had higher moisture 13.53%, protein 13.47g, energy 288.54 Kcal, vitamin C 34.73 mg, potassium 4054 mg and sodium 32.83 mg. Whereas fat 4.62g, ash 15.33g, crude fiber 6.5g, β – carotene 6693µg and minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc content were 2894.2 mg, 242.3mg, 40.98 mg and 6.75 mg respectively. Oxalic acid 0.53g and tannin 503 mg/g TAE were found to be higher in Ambadiyele. Dehydration is the simplest convenient method for preserving these sources of micronutrients and dehydrated GLV are a concentrated natural source of micronutrients and they can be used to enrich nutritional profile of the conventional products.
How to cite this article:
Akshata A Vernekar, Dr. KG Vijayalaxmi. Nutritional composition of fresh and dehydrated betel leaves. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(4):602-605.