A review on: Formulation of nanosuspension intended for ophthalmic use
Balamurugan K, Joan Vijetha R and Virendra Bhatt
The intention of this review article is to focus on the formulation related aspects of ophthalmic suspension in form of nanosuspension which is intended for the increase in the solubility and bioavailability of the drugs. In recent times there is remarkable increase in the field of Nano measurement as to increase the solubility and bioavailability of the drugs. The formulation nanosuspension drugs which have the property of Low Solubility and High Permeability i.e those drugs which are under BCS Class II are best. NS drugs can be delivered by parenteral, oral ocular and pulmonary routes. These nanosuspensions can be formulated by various methods such as wet mill, high pressure homogenizer, emulsionâ€solvent evaporation, melt emulsification method and super critical fluid techniques.
How to cite this article:
Balamurugan K, Joan Vijetha R, Virendra Bhatt. A review on: Formulation of nanosuspension intended for ophthalmic use. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(4):477-486.