Outcome and complications of repeat cesarean deliveries in Dogs
Sophia X, Jayakumar C, Vidya VK and Abhilash RS
The effect of repeat cesarean section in dogs with a history of previous emergency cesarean was evaluated. Ten dogs that had an emergency cesarean in their previous whelping were pursued through their subsequent oestrous cycle. Eight out of ten dogs exhibited next oestrus within a period of 4 to 5 months and the mean interestrous interval in these dogs was 5.10 ± 1.48months. Seven dogs that conceived in next oestrous cycle were subjected to elective cesarean. Intra-operatively, abdominal adhesions varying in density as well as uterine scars and lacerations on the uterus at the hysterotomy site was evident. Live birth rate and neonatal survival upto one week was highest in elective compared to emergency cesarean. Although repeat cesareans are intricated with adhesion occurrence, no remarkable complications were observed from repeat procedures. Close monitoring of the high risk pregnancy dogs in their subsequent pregnancy to time the elective procedure is inevitable.
How to cite this article:
Sophia X, Jayakumar C, Vidya VK, Abhilash RS. Outcome and complications of repeat cesarean deliveries in Dogs. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(4):456-459.