A comparative study on alcoholic and non-alcoholic person with rda in our locality (Kapasaria, West Bengal)
Souvik Tewari, Sudip Kumar Das, Shweta Parida and Tapas Kumar Ghosh
Alcoholism is a chronic disease associated with the habitual and excessive intake of alcohol. Alcoholism is marked by physical dependency and can cause disorders in many organs of the body, including the liver (cirrhosis), stomach, intestines, and brain. It is also associated with abnormal heart rhythms, with certain cancers, and, because of loss of appetite, with poor nutrition. The cause of alcoholism is very complicated and most often involves a mixture of physical, psychological, and possibly genetic factors. However, alcoholic liver disease (ALD) not only depends on the total amount of alcohol consumed; drinking patterns and type of alcoholic beverage ingested are also playing important role in the development of ALD. Most patients develop fatty liver, which reverses on withdrawal of alcohol and is unlikely to progress to liver cirrhosis in the liver, the acetaldehyde produced by oxidation of ethanol interacts with lipids and proteins, generating free radicals and impairing protein function. In this century, the poor dietary habits of alcoholics were widely accepted as explaining several obvious connections between heavy drinking and organ damage. Ethanol consumption appeared to induce oxidative stress in the liver and in extra hepatic tissues. The objective of the study includes to find out the physical status of alcoholic person in comparison with non-alcoholic person, as well as to assess the nutritional status of alcoholic and non-alcoholic persons. In the study of weight it is found that the mean weight of alcoholic is low than the non-alcoholic’s mean weight. The mean ± SE. of weight of alcoholic is 56.57 ±0.68 is significant (*) different between sample mean and RDA value (p<0.001). The mean ± SE of non-alcoholic is 58.95±1.05 not significant different between sample mean and RDA (p>0.05). In the study of height it is found that the mean height of alcoholic is high than the non-alcoholic’s mean height. The mean ± SE of height of alcoholic is 167.23 ±0.80 is significant (*) different between sample mean and RDA value (p<0.001). And the mean ± SE of non-alcoholic is 162.4±1.26 is significant (*) different between sample mean and RDA (p<0.001).The mean BMI of alcoholic is low than the non-alcoholic’s mean BMI. The mean ± SE. of BMI of alcoholic is 19.98 ±1.26 is significant (*) different between sample mean and standard value (p<0.001). And the mean ± SE. of non-alcoholic is 23.96±2.15 is significant different between sample mean and RDA (p>0.01). Hb (gm/dl) of alcoholic person is lower than the normal healthy person. The mean ±SE of alcoholic is 12.86±0.26 is significant (*) different between sample mean and normal healthy person (p<0.001). From the dietary analysis of the food that is consumed by the subjects, we found that the alcoholic person consumed inadequate amount of food respect of non-alcoholic and RDA value, because as they drunk heavy amount of alcohol in the stomach and also poor knowledge with ignorance. From the hematological profile comparison it found that- the parameters are effected as low concentration Hb (gm/dl),RBC (cell /cu.mm), lymphocyte (%) and high concentration of eosinophil’s (%) and MCV in alcoholic person than non-alcoholic person. From the bio-chemical test it is found that-The result of SGOT and SGPT is higher than the non-alcoholic person and normal range.
How to cite this article:
Souvik Tewari, Sudip Kumar Das, Shweta Parida, Tapas Kumar Ghosh. A comparative study on alcoholic and non-alcoholic person with rda in our locality (Kapasaria, West Bengal). Pharma Innovation 2019;8(3):183-187. DOI: