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Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)

A high yielding with better quality variety of ridge gourd GRG-2 for Saurashtra and Middle Gujarat

Jadeja SR, Rathod RK, Jethva AS and Vachhani JH
The different genotypes of ridge gourd [Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.] were evaluated at Junagadh, Anand, Waghai and Jagudan centers during kharif 2012-13 to 2017-18, under 12 different state level varietal trials along with the state check variety Gujarat Anand Ridge Gourd-1 (GARG-1) and national check variety Pusa Nasdar. Among these, a culture JRG-13- 06 was identified as the superior yield performing with good quality of fruits. The genotype JRG-13- 06 produced higher fruit yield of 105.70 q/ha as compared to check varieties; GARG-1 (86.60 q/ha) and Pusa Nasdar (81.46 q/ha) which was 22.06% and 29.76% higher than both the check varieties, respectively. The fruits of this culture are long in size and elongate in shape, green in colour with pointed blossom end and superficial fruit ridge expression. Regarding the quality parameters, its fruits contain higher Total Soluble Solids (7.50%), Total Soluble Sugar (2.62%), Protein (0.26%), Reducing Sugar (0.92%), Chlorophyll ‘B’ (1.38 mg/g) and Skin /Pulp ratio (0.253), as compared to check varieties; GARG-1 and Pusa Nasdar. It has good tolerance against mosaic (0.00%) as compared to check varieties; GARG-1 (5.89%) and Pusa Nasdar (4.89%). It was highly resistance against downy mildew (1.41%) as compared to check varieties; GARG-1 (2.02%) and Pusa Nasdar (2.22%). It has also free form powdery mildew disease as compared to both the checks. Regarding the fruit fly damage, it was less (6.24%) as compared to check varieties; GARG-1 (18.51%) and Pusa Nasdar (16.93%). The number of leaf miner larvae per plant was also less (1.37) as compared to check varieties; GARG-1 (2.87) and Pusa Nasdar (2.50) at Junagadh center. Based on the superior fruit yield performance and good quality of fruits, the genotype JRG-13- 06 have been proposed in ZEARC Committee as Gujarat Ridge Gourd - 2(GRG-2).
Pages: 653-656  |  681 Views  188 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Jadeja SR, Rathod RK, Jethva AS, Vachhani JH. A high yielding with better quality variety of ridge gourd GRG-2 for Saurashtra and Middle Gujarat. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(2):653-656.

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