Тhe apple pectin influence upon the liver histological structure and the activity of lipid peroxidation in experimental acute alcohol intoxication
Mariana Haynuk and Lidiia Sheremeta
Alcohol acute intoxication is a worldwide problem because of increasing morbidity and mortality. Different medications are used in treatment, but we still look for something new effective and accessible. By ATC classification pectin belongs to A07Ð’C - intestinal adsorbents, is a natural nontoxic product, has the prebiotic properties and is well tolerated by patients. The aim of this study was to clear up the influence of apple pectin on survival, histological structure of the liver and the activity of the lipid peroxidation in rats with acute alcohol intoxication. Alcoholic animals (40% ethanol 2 ml / 100 g body weight p.o.) were classified into 4 groups without treatment and using pectin or reference preparations (activated charcoal and silicon dioxide). Apple pectin is reliably effective when use before the introduction of ethanol and 1 hour after it, that was proved by histological and biochemical investigation. The indexes obtained showed the effectiveness of pectin, which equates to reference medications with similar mechanism of action.
How to cite this article:
Mariana Haynuk, Lidiia Sheremeta. Тhe apple pectin influence upon the liver histological structure and the activity of lipid peroxidation in experimental acute alcohol intoxication. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(2):590-593.