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Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)

Study of new techniques of variability among teliospores of brown and yellow rust of wheat

Abha Mishra
In the present study new technique for cutting sections of telia of brown and yellow rust of wheat was developed. This helped in studying the variability among teliospores of above rust fungi. Cut sections of telio sori of these rusts were also macerated on the slide with a drop of water. Above macrated material was spread on the slide. The bigger parts of macerated material were removed; a thin film of water was made and examined under the microscope. Teliospores were searched, located and allowed to dry. A drop of lacto phenol and cover slip was carefully placed over it. Slides prepared in this way were used for detailed studies of teliospored of both rust fungi. Bicelled and three celled teliospores along with hilum and apical digitations were found in Puccinia recondite f. sp. Tritici whereas in case of P. striiformis single celled and bicelled teliospores were observed with elongated rostrum at the apex, apical and lateral digitations and a hilum.
Pages: 456-458  |  511 Views  98 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Abha Mishra. Study of new techniques of variability among teliospores of brown and yellow rust of wheat. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(2):456-458.

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