Abstract:The incidence of appendicitis seems to have risen greatly in the first half of this century, particularly in Europe, America and Australasia, with up to 16% of the population undergoing appendicectomy. This is an study on 52 patients with acute appendicitis which refusing surgical interference from the period of 2014 to 2018. All patients completed a questionnaire including age, sex, occupation, residence, present symptoms and duration, previous medical and drugs history, previous surgical history, social history and family history. Clinical and physical examination were done to all patients. Completed all investigation including laboratory and radiological investigation, ultrasound, and the alvarado score were more than 7. All patients are admitted to the private hospital, and treated with antibiotic and intravenous fluid, with observational charts to all. Fifty two patients were studied, 40 male (76.92%) and 12 female (23.08%).The male to female ratio was 3.33:1. The age ranged from 15 to 35 years, with a mean age 25 years + 5 years. Thirty six male patients (69.23%) and 10 female patients (19.23%) are responds to conservative treatment. Four male patients (7.69%) and 2 female patients (3.85%) not responds to conservative treatment after 48 hours and appendicectomy were done to them.
Conclusion: Acute non perforated appendicitis can be treated successfully with antibiotics. However, there is a risk of recurrence in cases of acute appendicitis, and this risk should be compared with the risk of complications after appendectomy.