Evaluation of efficacy and safety of atropine- midazolam-pentazocine with propofol/ ketamine for induction and isoflurane for maintenance of anaesthesia in dogs undergoing orthopedic surgical procedures
Dinesh, RS Bisla, Rishi Tayal, RN Chaudhary and Ashok Kumar
The objective of present study was to evaluate anaesthetic efficacy and safety of anaesthetic combinations of atropine- midazolam- pentazocine with propofol/ketamine for induction and isoflurane for maintenance in dogs undergoing orthopedic surgical procedures of longer duration. The study was carried out in 10 cases of orthopedics undergoing retrograde intramedullary pinning which, were divided into two groups. In all the cases, premedication was done with atropine-midazolam-pentazocine @0.04mg/kg, 0.5mg/kg and 1mg/kg body weight, respectively. In group A-I, 1% propofol (iv, to effect) was used for induction. Whereas, in group A-II ketamine-midazolam combination (@ 5mg/kg and 0.20 mg/kg respectively IV) was used for induction. Maintenance was done with isoflurane in 100% oxygen in both the groups. Effect on quality of anaesthesia, behavioural changes, physiological changes, haematological changes and changes in blood biochemical parameters were observed till 24 hours after recovery from anaesthesia. No significant difference was observed between two groups in different parameters at various time intervals during observation. However, induction was found to be more rapid and smooth in group A-I as compared to A-II.
How to cite this article:
Dinesh, RS Bisla, Rishi Tayal, RN Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of atropine- midazolam-pentazocine with propofol/ ketamine for induction and isoflurane for maintenance of anaesthesia in dogs undergoing orthopedic surgical procedures. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(2):111-117.