Pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of Aak (Calotropis procera): A Review
Shamim, Saad Ahmed and Lubna Fatima
Aak (Calotropis procera) is a drug of herbal origin, which has been in use for medicinal purpose since time immemorial. Aak was first described by Abu Hanifa (circa 270 A.H) in his book of plants. According to Burhan, Usher is a Persian name for all plants having a milky juice and specially plants known in India as Aak. It is found more or less throughout India, in warm and dry places. It is a native of China and Malaysia and distributed in many countries all over world. IT has Mohallil (Resolvent), Akkal (Corrosive), Jali (Detergent), Mus’hil (Purgative), Munaffis-e-Balgham (Expectorant) and Musakkin (Analgesic) etc. properties. Pharmacological studies have revealed that the drug has effectively been employed for the treatment of various ailments like Waja-Ul-Mufasil (arthritis), Istisqa (ascites), Iltehab (inflammatory conditions), Juzam (leprosy) and Zeeq-Un-Nafs (asthma) etc. In this paper, an effort has been made to compile the actions and therapeutic uses of Aak (Calotropis procera).
How to cite this article:
Shamim, Saad Ahmed, Lubna Fatima. Pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of Aak (<em>Calotropis procera</em>): A Review. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(2):40-47.