Talk house: A Drop-in audio Web App, combining podcast and conference call features
Author(s): Kajal Rathore
Abstract: Talk House is an online social networking tool that offers features such as podcasts, conference calls, talkback radio, and online voice chat. Unlike other social networks, it allows real-time voice chat without forcing users to share additional content such as text messages, videos or photos. In addition to starting their own discussions, users can listen in on & take part in live conversations. Talk House markets itself as a premium, alternative social network that draws users who wish to meet new people as well as celebrities. It offers a digital group therapy platform where individuals can talk to complete strangers about their issues. Even with the rise in constant communication via social media, research is needed on the factors influencing growth of voice-based applications. This study is based on qualitative research methods to study people and people motivations and reasons for using these technologies. This essay explores the possible reasons behind Talk House's founding, elucidates its true objectives, and assesses three possible avenues for the company's continued expansion.