Thyroid carcinoma: A review
Tanzeela Farees Najam, D Sudheer Kumar and P Kishore
Cancer is a malignant growth resulting from uncontrolled division of abnormal cells. Thyroid cancer is 9th most common cancer. The cause of thyroid cancer is exposure to radiation, excess iodine intake westernized lifestyle and due to genetics. Symptom is usually presence of palpable thyroid nodule which is usually detected by routine examination of thyroid gland. Diagnostic tests include ultrasound, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan, Radio Iodine Scan & Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Treatment includes surgery in which thyroidectomy or lymphadenectomy or lobectomy is done, Radio iodine therapy, thyroid hormone treatment, chemotherapy. Identifying the potential risk factors and being away from them can help a person prevent thyroid cancer. As cancer can metastasise at any time point after treatment regular follow up is needed.
How to cite this article:
Tanzeela Farees Najam, D Sudheer Kumar, P Kishore. Thyroid carcinoma: A review. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(12):150-157.