Advance techniques for arecanut harvesting
Pooja Pawar, SV Pathak, HN Bhange, PR Kolhe and MH Tharkar
In recent years, labour scarcity has emerged as one of the foremost challenges in farming. Tall tree farming such as arecanut, coconut, palm etc. are most affected trees for its harvesting. Arecanut tree climbing has been tenacious job besuase of manual climbing pratices without any support therefore, having probability of accidents are more. Highly skilled labours are requried for performing sucessful harvesting and other intercultural operations for arecanut farming. But due to shortage of skilled labours causing delay in such operations leads to increase in wages of labours and it finally affects total farming cost of areacanut growers. This study paper presents details of traditional methods and developed tecniques to solve issue of arecanut tree climbing and harvesting. The study gives better harvesting technology which can reduce harvesting cost and give benefits to arecanut growers.
How to cite this article:
Pooja Pawar, SV Pathak, HN Bhange, PR Kolhe, MH Tharkar. Advance techniques for arecanut harvesting. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(11):152-155.