Bioprospecting of Callistemon citrinus explored for present chemical species using FTIR
David M Nyaga, KN Uttam and Kamweru Paul Kamweru
Despite a great breakthrough of scientific advancements and knowledge about diversity, biochemical composition of a vast array of plant species still remains unestablished or unquantified. FTIR spectroscopy was used in this study to evaluate the phytochemical potential of Callistemon citrinus. Leaves, stems and bark tissues of the mentioned species were sampled, and the ATR-FTIR spectra recorded in the spectral range 485 - 4000 cm-1 at a resolution of 4 cm-1. The data indicated presence of the following significant functional groups; β-carophyllene, tristerpenes betulin and α-pinene in the leaf samples, phemol, Linalool, β-Pinene (bicyclic monoterpenes), phloroglucinol derivatives, alkaloids and terpenen-4-ol in the bark samples, pectin,1-8 cineol, alkynes and γ-terpineole in the stem samples. These results demonstrates a great potential of application of C. citrinus plant species in pharmaceutical industry recommends further scrutiny on quantities of each of the compound present.
How to cite this article:
David M Nyaga, KN Uttam, Kamweru Paul Kamweru. Bioprospecting of Callistemon citrinus explored for present chemical species using FTIR. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(10):90-95.