Role of pathya and apathya in Vatavyaadhi
Rohit Bhatt, Vijay B Negalur and Srinidhi Dhanya
Vata is the one dosha among the tridosha, which is always unstable. Its gets vitiated very soon. Most of the simple dinacharya & ritucharya procedures have been explained by our acharyas just to control the vata so that it does not get vitiated & cause a problem. While coming onto the treatment of the vitiated vata, many things must be taken care of. Acharya Susrutha has explained four things which are necessary for the treatment of any disease, i.e. Shodhana, Shamana, Aahara & Achara. We often use the first two modalities while treating a patient, but equal importances to the other two i.e. Aahara & Achar is indeed needed for the successful treatment of the vyadhi. Almost all the classics have explained the importance of the same. Giving importance to the ahara & Achara this paper has been designed depicting the role of Pathya & Apthya with special reference to Vata Vyaadhi.
How to cite this article:
Rohit Bhatt, Vijay B Negalur, Srinidhi Dhanya. Role of pathya and apathya in Vatavyaadhi. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(10):274-277.