Assessment of dietary intake of anaemic adolescent school girls
Pooja Chaturvedi, Aruna Palta, Aashutosh Sharma, KV Sahare and UK tripathi
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is a lack of iron in the body which reduces the ability to produce haemoglobin, a pigment in red blood cells. Adolescence is a crucial phase of growth since it offers the second and last chance to catchup growth in the life cycle of girls. Adolescent girls are particularly pron to iron deficiency anaemia because of the increased demand of iron by the body. In adolescence the protein and calorie requirements are at maximum level. It is important to know the health and nutritional status of this group. The diet survey of the communities not only provide essential information regarding the deficiencies but also the quantity and type of food required for correcting anaemia. Their haemoglobin value was estimated using cyanmet method. For the dietary survey work, adolescent girls were purposive selected. dietary consumption includes assessment of food consumption, calculation of nutritive value and comparison with nutritional requirements. The study revealed that a decline in calorie, protein and iron intake was evident with increasing severity of anaemia. Reducing iron deficiency anaemia can not only improve nutrition and work output of the adolescent girls but also the overall health status that ensure a better quality of life.
How to cite this article:
Pooja Chaturvedi, Aruna Palta, Aashutosh Sharma, KV Sahare, UK tripathi. Assessment of dietary intake of anaemic adolescent school girls. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(10):197-200.