Utilization of bullock animal power and constraints faced by farmers in Hingoli district
Pandit DM, Patil RA, Kakade AG, Dhumal VS and Shinde SP
The place of bullock animal power on farms in tropical agriculture is discussed. In some areas of the world bullock animal power is traditional, in others it is a relatively new technology. The present study was conducted in Hingoli district of Marathwada region of Maharashtra. It is one of the eight districts of Marathwada. It is located at eastern site of Maharashtra state. On average 65.41 farmer had their own bullock pair for agricultural operation. The study showed that farmers used draft animals for ploughing, harrowing, Drilling, intercultural, operation and transportation. 61.66% of the farmers used draft animals for ploughing, 60.00% for harrowing, 57.66% for Drilling, 60.41% for intercultural operation and 58.75% for transportation. Highest bullock pair average annual working days was recorded in marginal farmers i.e. 79.78±8.38 days. Major constraints reported by farmer are 80.00 per cent farmers opined that farming with bullock pair and bullock drawn implement become time consuming leads to more expenditure. Major suggestion reported by farmers are 92.91 per cent farmers suggested that cost of newly innovated implement should be affordable.
How to cite this article:
Pandit DM, Patil RA, Kakade AG, Dhumal VS, Shinde SP. Utilization of bullock animal power and constraints faced by farmers in Hingoli district. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(10):40-44.