Job performance of agriculture development officers in Haryana
Dr. Subhash Chander and Dr. Satpal Singh
The study was conducted on 100 respondents to assess the level of job performance of Agriculture Development Officers (ADOs) working in the system of Agricultural Extension in Haryana during 2018. Majority of respondents (55%) possessed medium level of job performance regarding transfer of technology to the farmers and 35 per cent possessed high job performance followed by 10.00 per cent who have low performance. The study further indicated that 53 per cent of the respondents possessed medium level of job performance regarding feed back where as, 32 per cent per cent of them possessed high level followed by low level of job performance (15%). rural background (0.3425) and parental occupation (0.4460) were found to have positive and significant correlation with transfer of technology dimension of job performance. The feedback dimension was found to be influenced by the variables of rural background (0.3257) and parental occupation (0.5165), positively and significantly while training (-0.2836) influenced negatively and significantly.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Subhash Chander, Dr. Satpal Singh. Job performance of agriculture development officers in Haryana. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(10):12-13.