Study on incidence, haemato biochemical changes and therapeutic management of post parturient haemoglobinuria in Murrah buffaloes
Ankit Kumar, Vipul Thakur, Sandeep Potliya, Harpreet Singh, Swati Ruhil, Anita Ganguly, Biswa Ranjan Maharana and RS Bisla
Post parturient haemoglobinuria (PPH) is a metabolic disease most commonly affects high-yielding dairy buffaloes, characterized by development of per acute intravascular hemolysis and anemia with potentially fatal outcome. The study was conducted on thirty nine (incidence of 5.83%, 39/668) clinical cases of Post parturient haemoglobinuria in buffalo presented to the RVDEC, LUVAS, Uchani, Karnal. Diagnosis was done on the basis of clinical signs and clinical pathology. All the animals were recently parturited (average 3.35 ± 0.39 weeks), on an average in their third lactation (mean 3.25 ± 0.3) and exhibited clinical signssuch as anorexia, constipation, pale mucous membrane (both Conjuctival and vaginal), reddish brown colour urine and drastic reduction in milk production. Haemato-biochemical examination showed leucocytosis with absolute neutrophilia and lymphopenia, lower total erythrocyte count, haemoglobin, packed cell volume, increased activities of ALT and AST, hyperglycemia, hypocalcaemia and hypophosphatemia. All affected buffaloes were treated by sodium acid phosphate 80g in one litre NSS intravenously, parenteral phosphorus preparation, antibiotic oxytetracycline along with supportive treatment. Owner was also advised to feed the mineral mixture regularly along with Vitamin A, D3 & H preparation. The animals responded well to the therapy within 5 days of treatment and effectively restore the normal haemato-biochemical indices. The report records incidence, changes in haematological and serum biochemical parameters and successful therapeutic management of post parturient haemoglobinuria in Murrah buffaloes.
How to cite this article:
Ankit Kumar, Vipul Thakur, Sandeep Potliya, Harpreet Singh, Swati Ruhil, Anita Ganguly, Biswa Ranjan Maharana, RS Bisla. Study on incidence, haemato biochemical changes and therapeutic management of post parturient haemoglobinuria in Murrah buffaloes. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(1):147-150.