Sanbhaloo (Vitex negundo): Pharmacological Actions and Therapeutic Benefits: A Review
Shamim, Saad Ahmed and Lubna Fatima
Sanbhaloo (Vitex negundo) is a drug of herbal origin. The word vitex is derived from the latin ‘vieo’ (meaning to tie or bind) because of the flexible nature of its stems and twigs. It is a woody, aromatic deciduous shrub growing to a small tree. Vitex negundo is also known as the five-leafed chaste tree or monk’s pepper. Its most striking feature centers on a cluster of five pointed leaves resembling a palm. The drug has effectively been employed for the treatment of waja-ul-mafasil (arthritis), warm-e-khussiyatain (orchitis), warm-e-reham (cervicitis), warm-e-miqad (proctitis), warm-e-tihal, bawaseer (haemorrhoids), warm-e-shobetein (bronchitis), zeequnnafs (asthma) etc. In this paper, an effort has been made to review and compile the Pharmacological Actions and Therapeutic Benefits Sanbhaloo (Vitex negundo).
How to cite this article:
Shamim, Saad Ahmed, Lubna Fatima. <em>Sanbhaloo</em> (<em>Vitex negundo</em>): Pharmacological Actions and Therapeutic Benefits: A Review. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(9):330-336.