Screening of finest concentratrion of brassinolide by germination tests with pea (Pisum sativum L.)
J Pradhan, A Hemantaranjan and A Kumar
Brassinosteroids have strong and unique biological activities when applied to plant tissue at nano or micro molar levels. As result of extensive investigation these were found to show characteristic physiological actions on the growth of plant in micro quantities. The experiment is a selection test consisting of 4 doses of brassinolide (BL) along with control i.e. distilled water. Here we have taken seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) for germination test and also some seedling growth parameters viz. germination rate index, speed of germination, vigour index. Best results were seen with 0.01mMBL and 0.05mMBL. This study is enlightening a way for the detailed observation in biochemical and molecular parameters, which will be the answers to all the “whys’” behind this.
How to cite this article:
J Pradhan, A Hemantaranjan, A Kumar. Screening of finest concentratrion of brassinolide by germination tests with pea (<em>Pisum sativum </em>L.). Pharma Innovation 2018;7(9):215-217.