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Vol. 7, Issue 9 (2018)

Interleukins' 10 (RS1800872) and heat shock protein 70-2 (RS1061581) genes as risk markers of enterocolitis de-pending on cytokines production

Larysa Sydorchuk, Borys Syrota, Andriy Sydorchuk, Oksana Iftoda, Oksana Korovenkova and Oksana Kushnir
The association of genes polymorphism Heat Shock Protein (HSP70-2, 1267A-G) and Interleukin 10 (IL-10, C-592A) with Colienteritis risk depending on cytokines production of IL-1β, TNF-a and IL-10 were evaluated. The risk of genetically determined IL-1β hyperproduction in patients with Escherichia enterocolitis (Colienteritis) 1.41 times (Ñ€<0,01) increases in individuals with GG-genotype of HSP70-2 gene, with a high probability of a low synthesis of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 [OR=3.54; 95% CI, OR=1.45-8.64; Ñ€=0.006]. Atthesametime, А-alleleoftheabovegene 3,28 and 2,24timesincreasesprobabilityofIL-1βnormal production [OR=4.63; 95% CI, OR=1.56-13.78; Ñ€=0.004] andIL-10 normal synthesis (Ñ€<0.01) respectively. Availabilityofmutant A-alleleofIL-10 geneinthegenotypeofColienteritispatients 1.51 timesincreasestheriskofalow (insufficient) synthesisofanti-inflammatoryIL-10 [95%CI, OR=1.09-2.09; Ñ€=0.01], and withCC-genotype the probability of normal IL-10 production increases practically twice as much [OR=3.09; 95% CI, OR=1.29-7.43; Ñ€=0.01]. Polymorphicvariantsof HSP70-2 (rs1061581) andIL-10 (rs1800872) genes, as well as their combinations are not risk factors to changeTNF-aproduction in patients with Colienteritis. Moreover, IL-10 (rs1800872) gene is not associated with changes in the synthesis of pro-inflammatoryIL-1β.
Pages: 178-182  |  1027 Views  110 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Larysa Sydorchuk, Borys Syrota, Andriy Sydorchuk, Oksana Iftoda, Oksana Korovenkova, Oksana Kushnir. Interleukins' 10 (RS1800872) and heat shock protein 70-2 (RS1061581) genes as risk markers of enterocolitis de-pending on cytokines production. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(9):178-182.

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