Preparation and evaluation of poly herbal anti-aging cream by using synthetic polymers
Palvancha Sindhu, Angadi Jyothi and Chandu Babu Rao
In this study creams were formulated based on the anti-oxidant potential of herbal extracts and its evaluation. Punica granatum leaves were shade dried and extracted by using soxhlet method with different solvents such as n-hexane, Benzene, alcohol and consistency of different metabolites. In this study creams were formulated based the antioxidant potential of herbal extract and its evaluation. The creams were formulated with neem oil, jamul powder, carrot powder with different concentrations namely F1 to F4. The creams were to be stable during stability studies accordingly ICH guidelines 30± 2áµ’C / 50±5% RH and 40±2áµ’C / 75±5% RH for 2 months. The real time stability studies were also conducted for 12 months. If can be concluded that herbal creams without side effects having antioxidant property can be used as provision of a barrier to protect the skin and avoid aging of the skin.
How to cite this article:
Palvancha Sindhu, Angadi Jyothi, Chandu Babu Rao. Preparation and evaluation of poly herbal anti-aging cream by using synthetic polymers. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(9):145-148.