Genetic variability of physiological parameters among Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) genotypes under non-irrigated and irrigated condition
Khushboo Chandra, Anil Pandey, SB Mishra and Kavita
Increasing pace towards water crisis results in demand of screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for both non-irrigated as well as in irrigated condition. Keeping consideration over this experiment was designed to study genetic variability and heritability under non- irrigated and irrigated condition on some physiological and quality traits an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss), was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD) accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17, one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under non- irrigated condition which was also devoid of rainfall and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance for the studied traits revealed considerably exploitable variability. Out of 20 genotypes under both non-irrigated as well as irrigated condition, Rajendra Suphalam showed tolerance towards water stressed condition and perform well in terms of productivity in irrigated situation for traits namely Tap Root Length, Root Volume, Root Mass, Relative Water Content, Leaf Membrane Stability Index, Excised Leaf Water Loss, Chlorophyll Content, Catalase Activity, Peroxidase Activity, Proline Accumulation, Relative Growth Rate, Leaf Area Index, Specific Leaf Weight, Drought Tolerance Index, Stress Intensity, Oil Yield, Grain Yield/Plot. Under NI condition high heritability coupled with high GAM for traits namely, RL, RGR, LAI, LMSI, RWC, ELWL; RM only in irrigated and RV, SLW, CA under both conditions which were indicative of preponderance of additive gene action for expression of these traits, hence are acquiescent for simple selection.
How to cite this article:
Khushboo Chandra, Anil Pandey, SB Mishra, Kavita. Genetic variability of physiological parameters among Indian mustard (<em>Brassica juncea </em>L. Czern & Coss) genotypes under non-irrigated and irrigated condition. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(8):517-525.