Effect of gibberellic acid on germination, growth and survival of jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels)
Satya Narayan Hota, Ajay Kumar Karna, PK Jain and Bharat Dakhad
An experiment was conducted to assess the effect of gibberlic acid on germination, growth and survival of jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels) was conducted at Horticulture Complex, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Maharajpur, Jabalpur (M.P.). Total four treatment of gibberlic acid comprised of G0 (control), G1 (GA3-150 ppm), G2 (GA3-300 ppm) and G3 (GA3-450 ppm). The study revealed GA3 at 450 ppm (G3) recorded minimum days taken to start germination (11.92), days taken to 50 % germination (14.67), highest germination percentage (90.00 %), shoot height (33.42 cm), maximum number of leaves (23.83), girth of stem (5.78 mm), highest root length (30.68 cm), No. of roots (101.75), fresh weight of shoot (11.71 gm) and root (5.53 gm), dry weight of shoot (2.70 gm) and root (1.34 gm) and germination percentage (88.47 %). The physiological parameter such as high leaf area index (2.20), leaf area duration (11510.67), energy intensity (0.72), chlorophyll content (67.90) and lowest light transmission ratio (43.25) was also noted in G3.
How to cite this article:
Satya Narayan Hota, Ajay Kumar Karna, PK Jain, Bharat Dakhad. Effect of gibberellic acid on germination, growth and survival of jamun (<em>Syzygium cumini</em> L. Skeels). Pharma Innovation 2018;7(8):323-326.