JRC 9057 (Ishani): a newly developed white jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) variety for enhanced fibre yield and improved quality textile fibre
Sanjoy Shil and Jiban Mitra
Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibers and it is second only to cotton in amount produced and variety of uses of vegetable fibers. Jute fibres are eco-friendly, biodegradable and recyclable in nature and hence it create pollution free environment. In modern era of growing environmental friendly crops, the role of jute as ‘Green Crop’ may be highlighted and the significance of this commercial crop will be not only to produce fibre for industries as raw material but also the equivalent impact on balancing and conditioning the soil-air-environment. So the production of jute fibres assumes high socio-economic as well as environmental significance. Among the two species of jute (Corchorus olitorius L. and Corchorus capsularis L.) fibre made from C. capsularis is whiter and of a higher quality than that made from C. olitorius. The cultivation of white jute (C. capsularis L.) is very specific and native to India particularly to Eastern states. The white jute can be grown comparatively in low land situation and even under moisture stress and water logged situation. Keeping in mind, a variety (JRC 9057) of high yielding and better quality fibre have been developed from the selection of the progenies of JRC 698 X CIJ 121 following pedigree method. The selection has been made for quality textile fibre coupled with high yield. For this purpose, pedigree of CIJ 121 was selected for quality and JRC 698 was used to incorporate high yield. This variety is mainly suitable for low and medium land rainfed situation and areas where jute is cultivated followed by transplanted aman paddy.
How to cite this article:
Sanjoy Shil, Jiban Mitra. JRC 9057 (Ishani): a newly developed white jute (<em>Corchorus capsularis</em> L.) variety for enhanced fibre yield and improved quality textile fibre <em></em>. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(8):164-167.