Studies on preparation of rosogolla from a blend of cow milk & soymilk
Shivendra Pratap Singh, Dr. SN Thakur and Dr. Rameshchandra
Rosogolla prepared from the blend of cow milk and soymilk is a rich source of high quality protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and ash. This approach gave relatively cheaper product in the domestic market. Soya has high quality protein with minimum saturated fat. The finished product provides protection against Cancer, Anemia, Asthma, etc. and help people to take highly nutritious diet in their budget. Objective of this dissertation was to focus on blending ratio of cow milk & soymilk (100:00), (70:30), (60:40) and (50:50) for respective treatments T0, T1, T2 & T3 to assess chemical quality, organoleptic quality & estimation of the cost of production of rosogolla. The treatment ware evaluated for various physico-chemical and sensory parameters. The organoleptic characteristics were evaluated by using 9 point hedonic scale. The highest mean score for overall acceptability percentage of rosogolla (8.20) was obtained for T1. The fat %, protein %, carbohydrate %, moisture % and ash % of T1 was found to be 5.92 %, 6.12 %, 41.34 %, 44.59 & and 2.02 % respectively. The highest cost (Rs./Kg) of rosogolla (147.34) was obtained for T0 followed by T1(129.55), T2 (124.24) and T3 (118.74) respectively.
How to cite this article:
Shivendra Pratap Singh, Dr. SN Thakur, Dr. Rameshchandra. Studies on preparation of rosogolla from a blend of cow milk & soymilk. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):953-956.