A study on the nutritional status of school going children (10-12 Years) of mid day meal programme in Allahabad district
Alisha and Alka Gupta
The study was undertaken with the following objectives to find out the nutritional status of selected beneficiaries of mid-day meal in government schools and to find out the nutrient content of mid-day meal provided by the government schools. A total of 30 mid-day meal beneficiaries were selected randomly. Among the 30 students, 50 percent were boys and 50 percent were girls. Under socio economic status the subjects are categorized on the basis of family type and profession, economic and educational status of their parents. Dietary intake and food consumption pattern was studied by interview method and 24 Hours recall method for three consecutive days. Survey method was adopted to collect the data from selected respondents with the help of pre tested schedule. For the data collection general information, Anthropometric measurement, Clinical assessment and Dietary intake and food consumption pattern was taken by interview and 24 Hours recall method for three consecutive days. The results obtained after the survey conducted showed that the average height and weight of Mid- Day Meal beneficiaries girls were better than the boys. In boys mean daily intake of energy, calcium, vitamin A, β carotene and vitamin C were lower than the RDA and in girls, protein, calcium, vitamin A, β carotene and vitamin C were lower than the RDA. So it is concluded that nutritional status of Mid-Day Meal beneficiaries Both Boys and girls were lower than the ICMR RDA (2010) because of poor economic condition. The nutrient content of Mid-Day Meal which was provided by the government schools were found is higher in macro nutrients like energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate and calcium.
How to cite this article:
Alisha, Alka Gupta. A study on the nutritional status of school going children (10-12 Years) of mid day meal programme in Allahabad district. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):922-926.