Monoclonal antibodies against AIV antigen and their significance in disease diagnosis
Mohita Rai, YPS Malik, Aditya Mishra and DK Gupta
Avian influenza virus is a virus that has caused pandemics. It has global impact. Different groups of scientist has worked upon the virus to produce MABs against proteins present in virus to facilitate rapid diagnosis and confirmation of virus in early infection also to find the protein which can be utilized for can vaccine preparation in future. Ribonuleoprotein (RNP) can be used for the diagnosis though antigen is stable does not exhibit any significant antigenic variant but Anti-RNP antibody develops after infection but not following killed vaccines. While NS1 can differentiate well in infected and vaccinated animals. The surface proteins Haemagglutinase and Neuraminidase are present on different spike. They are responsible for antigenic variation. Haemagglutinase is a glycoprotein responsible for haemagglutination and haemadsorption. It enables virus to adsorb to mucoprotein receptors on RBCs as well as on respiratory epithelial cells. Anti-HA antibody is produced after infection and immunization. This antibody is protected by preventing adsorption of the virus to cells. Neuraminidase is a glycoprotein enzyme which destroys cell receptors by hydrolytic cleavage. The anti-neuraminidase antibody is formed after the infection and immunization. It is not as effective in protection as Anti-HA antibody. It is strain specific and exhibits variation.
How to cite this article:
Mohita Rai, YPS Malik, Aditya Mishra, DK Gupta. Monoclonal antibodies against AIV antigen and their significance in disease diagnosis. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):848-851.