Character association and path coefficient studies for yield and yield related quantitative traits in cucumber
Monisha Rawat, SK Maurya and Khushboo Kathayat
Ten genotypes of cucumber were evaluated under naturally ventilated polyhouse during the rabi and summer season to study the interrelationship and path coefficient analysis for fruit yield and yield attributing traits. Twelve quantitative traits such as days taken to anthesis of first female flower, nodal position of first female flower, days to first harvest, main vine length, number of primary branches per plant, number of nodes on main shoot, internodal length, average fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant and fruit yield were studied. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. During both the seasons, number of fruits per plant showed significant positive correlation while days to first picking showed significant negative correlation with fruit yield. Number of fruits per plant recorded highest positive direct effect on fruit yield during both the seasons while the character viz., node number to first female flower recorded highest negative direct effect on fruit yield.
How to cite this article:
Monisha Rawat, SK Maurya, Khushboo Kathayat. Character association and path coefficient studies for yield and yield related quantitative traits in cucumber. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):827-830.