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Vol. 7, Issue 7 (2018)

Occurrence of Zoosporic fungi in some water bodies of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

RP Mishra and AK Singh
The study on occurrence of zoosporic fungi in fresh water bodies of Jabalpur was conducted during January, 2010 to December, 2011. Monthly samples of water and decaying material were collected from Hanumantal pond, Supatal pond, Gour river and Narmada river. Baiting technique involving seeds of hemp, wheat, rice, oat, mustard; grass blades, apple fruits, nails, snake skin, pine pollen etc, revealed 23 species of zoosporic fungi. Maximum number of species were isolated on snake skin followed by hemp seeds and grass blades. Hanumantal pond revealed highest species richness (15 species) followed by Gour river (13 species), Supatal pond (12 species) and Narmada river (11 species). Seasonal analysis revealed maximum number of species during mansoon and minimum during summer. Saprolegnia uliginosa had highest frequency (53.1%) and Balstocladella variabilis, Cladochytrium setigerum and Isoachlya sp. each had lowest frequency (1%).
Pages: 416-421  |  659 Views  163 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
RP Mishra, AK Singh. Occurrence of Zoosporic fungi in some water bodies of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):416-421.

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