Development and evaluation of cereal-legume based ladoo supplemented with ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Priyanka Chakravarty Indu and Pratima Awasthi
In the present study value added ladoos were prepared from variations of cereal-legume blend and ashwagandha. Three variations of control ladoo with different level of cereal and legume (without ashwagandha supplementation) were prepared. In each variation, ashwagandha root powder at a level of 3%, 4% and 5% was added to formulate the test product. The highest mean score of overall acceptability was recorded from ladoo made of wheat flour, soy flour and barley flour in the ratio of 40:30:30. Since no significant difference was found in the acceptability of product containing 3%, 4 % and 5% ashwagandha in the selected variation, therefore the product with minimum (3%) and maximum level (5%) of ashwagandha was selected for further nutritional and shelf life evaluation. The shelf life of the ladoos was found to be 30 days. The crude fat, crude fiber, total dietary fiber and mineral content improved with increase in level of ashwagandha. The investigation suggests that ashwagandha root powder upto a level of 5% can be added in sweets products for value addition to increase the fiber, fat and mainly the mineral content of the product as well as imparting curative effects to the products.
How to cite this article:
Priyanka Chakravarty Indu, Pratima Awasthi. Development and evaluation of cereal-legume based ladoo supplemented with ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):358-362.