Estimation of water quality of different types of Ponds of Burdwan, West Bengal, India through distribution and abundance of larval chironomidae in relation with physicochemical characteristics of water
Sanghamitra Konar
The present investigation was done to evaluate the status of water quality of selected ponds of Burdwan area in terms of density and abundance of chironomid population in correlation with physico-chemical parameters of water. Seven physico-chemical water quality parameters were measured in four selected sites along with density and abundance of Chironomid population. Humidity, Dissolved Oxygen content showed significant seasonal variation among the four studied sites. The total alkalinity, phosphate, nitrate value of water samples significantly varied in the four studied sites at different seasons throughout the study period.
How to cite this article:
Sanghamitra Konar. Estimation of water quality of different types of Ponds of Burdwan, West Bengal, India through distribution and abundance of larval chironomidae in relation with physicochemical characteristics of water. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):162-168.