Effect of fluid therapy on cardiac function
Arun Mourya, HK Mehta, Rekha Mourya, DK Gupta, Amita Tiwari, Brejesh Singh and PC Shukla
The dogs admitted to TVCC Mhow with gastritis, enteritis, gastroenteritis or dehydration due to any reasons was used for the study. The Initial ECG of those dogs was taken and another ECG after fluid administration (Inj. D.N.S or Inj. R.L) was taken, and there after this difference or changes between both ECG were studied. Volume expansion is frequently used in these patients. Fluid deficits in the intra vascular space cause poor perfusion and inadequate tissue oxygenation and fluid deficit in extra vascular space cause dehydration. There was significant increase observed in the amplitude of QRS complex indicating better perfusion. There was overall increase in the amplitude P wave and QRS complex indicating better perfusion. The significant increase in PR interval along with increase in the QT and ST segment were observed.
How to cite this article:
Arun Mourya, HK Mehta, Rekha Mourya, DK Gupta, Amita Tiwari, Brejesh Singh, PC Shukla. Effect of fluid therapy on cardiac function. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):160-161.