Integrated nutrient management in chilli (Capsicum annum L.) in lateritic soil of Konkan region of Maharashtra
VD Kapse, NB Gokhale, MC Kasture, KP Vaidya, SS More, RV Dhopavkar and NH Khobragade
A field experiment was conducted at Vegetable Improvement Scheme, Pangari Block, Wakawali, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli (Maharashtra) during Rabi season 2014-2015. The field experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design comprising of thirteen treatments replicated thrice. It was observed that the substitution of N through poultry manure to the extent of 50 percent (and remaining 50 percent through urea) was observed to be the best treatment amongst different combinations of organic manures with urea. It produced highest yield (Green, dry matter of green chilli pod and stover) of chilliand weight of fruit per plant. The NPK uptake by pod and stover was also recorded maximum in combined application of poultry manure with urea. Maximum uptake of N (36.08 kg ha-1) and P (3.40 kg ha-1) was recorded with treatment T8 i.e. application of 50% N through poultry manure and 50% N through urea while the maximum uptake of K (74.58 kg ha-1) was recorded with treatment T9 i.e. application of 75% N through poultry manure and 25% N through urea. The data regarding micronutrients uptake was found to be non-significant except total Mn and Zn uptake. The maximum total uptake (chilli pod + stover) of Fe (637.95 g ha-1), Zn (1041.31 g ha-1), and Cu (1259.12 g ha-1) was recorded in the treatment T9 receiving 75% N through poultry manure and 25% N through urea while the maximum Mn uptake (2434.36 g ha-1) was observed in treatment T8. The combined use of organics (farmyard manure, vermicompost, poultry manure and groundnut cake) along with the inorganic fertilizers increased nutrient use efficiency of crop. Integrated use of organic manures along with chemical fertilizers not only produced highest and sustainable crop yields but also enhanced the efficiency of added fertilizers.
How to cite this article:
VD Kapse, NB Gokhale, MC Kasture, KP Vaidya, SS More, RV Dhopavkar, NH Khobragade. Integrated nutrient management in chilli (Capsicum annum L.) in lateritic soil of Konkan region of Maharashtra. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(6):503-508.